A behind the scenes look at the printing of the first of 2 inner panels of “A Monkey Mountain Kronikle”- in the new Evil Prints @ Spiderhole Studio shop!
Mr. Wiener McPickleHead’s KatBats & the Gooey Gaurdian Girls 2019
Proof of “Mr. Weiner McPickelead’s Kat Bats & The Gooey Guardian Gurls” being printed @ Peacock Visual Arts in Scotland, UK.

The Birth of Lord Aporkalyptus 2018
Tom Hück’s “The Feast of Lord Aporkalyptus” is the front/center panel of the triptych “A Monkey Mountain Kronikle”. The scene depicts our hero Lord Aporkalyptus sending his fast food angels of death to force feed hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken legs and tacos to the masses at a public food court.
The above images are art historical influences used and referenced by Tom Hück throughout A Monkey Mountain Kronikle.
The images you can scroll through below are source material from Hück’s archives as well as inspirational things and places that factored in giving “character” to the project. Up to 6 years of planning went into “Kronikle”, with Hück gathering found imagery from wherever it was neccessary. Almost all of the following images were translated into concepts in preparatoy drawings in the sketchbook.